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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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+44 1243 372547

Rushall Marketing Services

Helping you take better control of your marketing
and delivering sales results for the long term.

Winning strategies

Do you sometimes wonder if your marketing is generating the right results?

A sound strategy will pull together your marketing options and steer you in the right direction.

Buoyant brands

What does your brand say about you to your customers?

Find out how your customers perceive you, how you can change or improve that perception and become the ‘go-to’ brand.

Watertight marketing

Do you wish you could stem the leaks in your sales funnel?

Take a fresh and straightforward approach to making the most of your marketing activities and budget.

Crystal clear communications

Are your communications finding their way through to your potential customers?

Cut through the clutter and work out the most appropriate, and cost effective, way to get your messages to your customers. Via your website, social and sales materials.

Marine PR & Sponsorship

Are you looking for cost effective ways of getting your product known?

Use PR to build your brand and enhance external relationships. Ensure that your sponsorship deal is giving you the best ROI.

All hands on deck

Could you do with an extra pair of hands to look after your marketing?

We get to know our clients’ business well so that we become a remote extension to your team – it’s cost effective and very easy.

The Harbour News and Guide has just been delivered and is looking great.  No one has spotted any typos yet – so that’s a bonus!  Thank you all for your hard work putting it together, the feedback has been great so far.

Maria Court, Shared Services ManagerChichester Harbour Conservancy

Liz Rushall is a very thorough and dedicated marketing consultant. Her work is very high quality and as such I would recommend her to anyone.

Mark Bullingham
34th America's Cup Event Authority

We are so impressed with the new identity and website, it looks fantastic. The videos tell our story and the site flows really nicely. It really brings a touch of class not to mention the fantastic written content, which is very well balanced.

Tristan JaquesYacht Tec

Liz, the article supplied is really excellent. Thank you indeed and congratulations on a thoroughly professional and highly informative study of the subject. My thanks and all best wishes.

Hugo Montgomery-Swan, Editor
Powerboat & RIB magazine

Thank you for taking the time to present at our Company Seminar. The word at dinner from the troops is that they all very much appreciated your talk and found the content most interesting. Plus, your presentation scored the highest marks on the feedback forms.

I too made a few notes as you “refreshed” my memory!  Once again, very many thanks.

Sir Chay Blyth MBE, BEM
Former Chairman, The Global Challenge Business

Make sure your marketing is Watertight

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