Whilst you’re focusing on getting new leads are prospects and customers slipping away?
Would you like to be able to streamline your efforts in generating sales?
Watertight Marketing is a clear step-by-step methodology enabling any business a clear pathway to improving sales, profitability and customer experience.
It takes the well-established principle of the ‘sales funnel’ and turns it on its head. Often the sales funnel can seem more like a leaky bucket than a funnel. There is not much point generating new leads if your prospects and customers are ‘leaking’ out along the way.
Watertight approach:
- Straightforward marketing planning
- Better engagement with prospects
- Understand how your customers buy
- Develop healthy sales pipeline
- Effective customer retention
The Watertight marketing approach:
Instead of pouring more costly promotional efforts in at the top of your sales funnel to generate new sales, Watertight Marketing starts at the bottom.
It will help you systematically work up, plugging the profit leaks. So that when you start to spend money on raising awareness, you will be best placed to achieve genuine, long term sales and profits.
Watertight Marketing releases you from the exhausting roller coaster effect of sales and delivery. Up one month, then hunting sales the next.
Find out more about the Watertight Marketing Book. See how this down to earth, no-nonsense approach can be used to improve your sales pipeline.
Without doubt this is the best book on small business marketing book I have read. A no-nonsense, honest to goodness, blueprint that any small business can implement and improve their bottom line. It cuts through the jargon and delivers something that can be used in the real world.
Jason Morris, The Profit Engine, Amazon review