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Rushall Marketing is a small business marketing and development consultancy.

We will steer your marketing in a clear direction to make
the most of your budget and grow your business.

Heading in the right direction?

Just like in sport, winning in business needs a clear plan of action. And the playing field keeps changing. Your customers want different things. Your competitors make a new move.

Keeping it simple

The marketing world is rife with jargon. Social media seems to have made this worse. Do you wish someone could help you cut through the noise and make sense of it all for you?

Flexible marketing support

Do you sometimes feel your marketing activity is falling short of success? You’ve tried a lot of things but don’t know if they worked. Or you simply have too much on and need a hand.

I just wanted to express my thanks for all your hard work during the Spi-Ouest Regatta and the training beforehand. Given it was the coldest Easter for 50 years it made your job just that little bit more difficult! However, it has to be said that reading between the lines we delivered everything that we wanted to achieve. So thank you for helping to make that happen.

Dee Caffari
Round the World Yachtswoman

Would just like to echo comments already received – Good job, pleasure working with you and well done on finding a successor! Fully support your proposal of Charles taking over the baton and with yourself remaining on the [RYA Participation & Membership] committee. It will add continuity and clarity going forward – nice one!

Mark Wood, Sales Manager
Scott Sports

Liz is a strategic thinker and someone who gets things done. She has great interpersonal skills, huge experience and great drive.She does like to make sure the rationale is robust….and when she handles Zhik’s PR she gets the job done well and on time.

Simon Payne, Global Sales DirectorZhik

We are so impressed with the new identity and website, it looks fantastic. The videos tell our story and the site flows really nicely. It really brings a touch of class not to mention the fantastic written content, which is very well balanced.

Tristan JaquesYacht Tec

A huge thanks for all the help and support you’ve given me over the last 12months; its been a pleasure working with you and I have learnt an awful lot!

Heather Shepherd
RIBs For Sale

Creating and managing a workable strategy takes commitment and perseverance. Any top athlete will tell you that achieving regular, consistent results take time. I’ve found that many small business owners are busy doing what they do and lack the bandwidth to step back to look at the big picture and carry out regular marketing activities.

That’s where Rushall Marketing can help! I have been supporting small businesses with their marketing and business development activities for over 10 years and would love to hear from you. I have marketing solutions to suit any size budget and you are welcome to give me a call to see how I can assist you.

Take a look.

See a selection of my client work.

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